AHA Members Photograph

About the Arkansas Hawking Association

The Arkansas Hawking Association was established in 1992. Our principle goal was to organize the falconers of Arkansas and establish a respectable relationship with state and federal agencies. It is through this relationship we have had a voice in our state's falconry regulations which has become one of the best documented regulations throughout the United States. The Association became a legal non-profit entity under the Federal 501(c)(3) code as of November 19, 2014.

In order to improve, aid, and encourage competency in the art and practice of falconry among interested persons, to provide communication among and to disseminate information to interested Members; to promote scientific study of the raptorial species, their care, welfare and training; to promote conservation of the birds of prey and an appreciation of their value in nature and in wildlife conservation programs; to urge recognition of falconry as a legal field sport; and, to establish traditions which will aid, perpetuate, and further the welfare falconry and the raptors it employs.